Being a poet is not something that's lonely to me. I think I read/skimmed something on the Internet that talked about the loneliness of the writer. Sure, a writer does have to spend a certain amount of time composing his or her writing. Being alone in your mind can feel a little lonely. But, nowadays, at least in a city like D.C., there are ways to get involved. I'm President of a workshop group, The Federal Poets. As a friend of mine likes to put it, there's a reading almost every day somewhere in the Metro area. I think sometimes I get too social, and I pull back on my schedule. Even fiction/essay/memoir writers have workshops at The Writer's Center and many outside groups, as well. I am grateful that I'm in a place that has so many writers. I think it adds to my work, seeing what others are doing, and sharing ideas and strategies. Here's a recent draft that wouldn't have been possible in a lonelier area.
"draft taken down"
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