

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Writing Technique and a Poem Draft

I wanted to say something about how I'm writing now, because I feel like it's working for me.  I have been using "The Wesleyan Tradition:  Four Decades of American Poetry" as a source book for titles.  I ruffle the pages, and stop at one page, where I grab a few words as a title to start with.  I'm finding having this foreign material sparks my imagination, and I write things I never would have written without it.  It frees me up from having to come up with something to start with cold.  I know this isn't an uncommon technique, but I find that it is helping me write different poems.  I will share one poem that came out of the phrase, "She's forgotten herself."  (The poem will come down in one day).

"poem taken down"

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